Monthly Archives: July 2014

Importance of diet

Diet has a major role in a healthy lifestyle. Many people don’t realise that the best results come when training is combined with efficient nutrient intake and rest. During training muscles are broken down and they need to be repaired which happens during sleep.  A person should eat a balanced diet which means he has to include all 3 macronutrients: carbohydrates, protein and fats. Instead of trying to find a “magic pill” or magic way how to lose body fat learn how your body works! Stop with the crazy diets where you eliminate fats or other macronutrient. Each has it’s purpose in human body and are equally important – see posts about each macronutrient by clicking on the name (carbohydrates, proteinfats).

Water intake is as important as diet itself, therefore you should ensure that you drink plenty of water during the day. It is also important to eat micronutrient rich foods which will provide all vitamins and minerals for his body to function properly. Instead of looking for “super foods” all the time keep it simple. Stick to the basics. Be consistent. Eventually the results will come. Water is very important and a person should drink at least 2.5 to 3 litres of water a day (the water intake may vary depending on different factors such as:

  • Supplementation ( +1 litre more if creatine is used) – see post about supplementation
  • Activity levels
  • Weather conditions

My strategy of water intake.

Water intake should be split throughout the day. I drink around 0.5 litres-1 litre of water after sleep because the body gets dehydrated during the night. Urine always should be transparent and colorless. Anything dark will indicate dehydration.