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Micronutrients which are the vitamins and minerals that are mainly received by consuming fruit and vegetable rich diet.

Micronutrients are chemical elements/substances that help to produce enzymes and hormones. The government has introduced 5 a day to invite and encourage people consume more micronutrient rich foods. Different coloured vegetables should be eaten. Several vitamins such as vitamin D might have to be supplemented due current living standards. Most people are not getting enough sunlight especially those living in areas further away from equator.  Micronutrient rich foods will help to improve immunity (Vitamin C) and avoid diseases and cancers. It is recommended to intake most of the vitamins from whole foods (fruits/vegetables) as there is not complete evidence that supplementation of vitamins have actual measurable health benefits.

The vitamin requirement is going to depend on the individual, people who are physically active during the most days of the week will have higher vitamin requirement, in contrast someone who lives sedentary lifestyle might follow the RDA by government. Different groups of people such as elderly, obese as well as ill or injured will also have higher vitamin requirement. People who are limiting certain foods, such as vegans could develop micronutrient deficiencies (for example B12 which can only be found in animal foods (naturally)). Iron deficiency is one of the most common vitamin deficiencies in the world. However people should be careful supplementing metals as excessive supplementation could lead to toxicity or other micronutrient deficiencies as they are not absorbed properly.